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KWLT Committee Information

In order to efficiently and successfully run KWLT, we have decided to divide some of the work into committees that are open to any KWLT members that are interested in helping out. There are several committees that you could be a part of, whether you have a lot of time to contribute or just a little. You decide, along with the rest of the committee members, how much time you can contribute.

Fundraising As many theatre companies are finding out, money is becoming harder and harder to find, which makes it all the more important that KWLT be very active with fundraising. KWLT needs fundraising more than ever, after the major renovations of last summer, the roof repairs that need to be done, and upgrading that would be nice to do (air conditioner, better lights, better sound, a little paint, etc. ...).

Publicity The only way we can get people to see our shows and to know more about KWLT is to publicize. In order to do this we need people to set up plans to publicize our events as well as the organization in general.

Archives We need to get our history out of the boxes and let the public know what we have done in the past. Not only is this good publicity, but because we have been in existence for so long, we can learn from our past to make a better future for KWLT.

Building For the past 3 years we have been very busy working on the building. There is still much to do and we will be needing more and more people to be able to do the things to improve our building. This can be in the form of construction, painting, cleaning, or organizing. No experience required!

Season This committee is responsible for proposing our main season playbill. Whether it is searching for directors, reading plays, or finding the dates to fit everything in, it needs to be done, so that we can start putting on shows!

Social The social committee is responsible for organizing member get-togethers - parties, barbecues, baseball games, formal show openings, or anything else that's fun.

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Tue Jul 25 23:53:11 EDT 1995