Our Annual General Meeting is being held Wednesday, June 28 at 7pm, at KWLT (this is your official notice as required by the KWLT Constitution), and we need you to come out and vote.
We'll be electing the Board of Directors for 1995/96 at the AGM, and the nominating committee (Karl Rainer, Pat Matlock, and Karen Lucas) is busy soliciting nominations (or applications) for the Board. We have a number of continuing Board members, but there are a number of positions that need to be filled at the AGM. If you are interested, or know someone else who might be, contact the nominating committee by calling Karl at 886-3572, or through KWLT at 886-0660. We also have a number of KWLT committees (fund raising, building, etc.), and we're looking for members to serve on those committees. If you might be interested, come to the AGM, or give us a call.
Also at the AGM - you'll get to hear a little bit more about what has been going on at KWLT during the past 12 months, what the upcoming plans are, and you'll get a chance to get your own questions about KWLT answered.
The agenda for the 1995 AGM is as follows:
Refreshments will be available during and following the meeting, and we hope that you will take a little time, join us in socializing, and celebrate another very successful year at KWLT!